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Reposilite supports generation of SVG badges out of the box. It might be especially useful for open-source developers that may want to include well-known GitHub badges in the their fancy README files.
  • /api/badge/latest/{repository}/{gav}
Supported query parameters:
ParameterExample valueDescription
nameReposiliteThe name on the badge
color40c14aHEX color code of badge
prefixvText included before the version matched by Reposilite
filter1.0-Reposilite will resolve only versions that match given filter. To learn more about filters, take a look at section.
of badges endpoint:
Results in such badge:
  • Badge

Reposilite supports filtering through filter query parameter. Filters are used to match only specific versions of artifacts, for example, you may want to match only versions that start with 1.0 or 1.1. Here's the list of supported filters:
Default{value}1.0-Matches all versions that start with 1.0-
Containshas:{value})has:SNAPSHOTMatches all versions that contain SNAPSHOT value
Not containsnone:{value}none:SNAPSHOTMatches all versions that do not contain SNAPSHOT value
The same filters are also supported in Reposilite's REST API.

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