Table of Contents

You can download standalone (JAR) version of Reposilite from GitHub releases page:
Requirements: System: Windows, Linux AMD/ARM, JVM: 11-18, Memory: 20MB+
Recommended memory ranges:
20MBMinimal requirements for basic setup
32MBRepository for personal projects + CI + Proxy
64MBGeneral use public repository
128MB+Huge repositories with high traffic & throughput
Our safe recommendation is to use 32MB-64MB if you don't care that much about those few MBs. You can handle millions of requests per month with it and use various plugins at once and you will always have resources in reserve.
If you'd like to make the most of Reposilite, feel free to use values between 20MB - 32MB, but keep in mind that reducing memory may lead to more frequent gc calls that can increase usage of CPU.

To launch Reposilite with defined amount of RAM, use -Xmx parameter, for instance:
$ java -Xmx32M -jar reposilite.jar

Reposilite exposes interactive console directly in a terminal and it awaits for an input. Type help and learn more about available commands.
Interactive CLI
Note Your first access token has to be generated through the terminal or provided as a command line argument.
Read more about tokens and token management commands in .

If Reposilite has been launched properly, you should be able to see its frontend located under the default address.
Web Interface Preview

Reposilite stores data in working directory, by default it is a place where you've launched it.
user@host ~/workspace: java -jar reposilite.jar
+--logs/              List of 10 latest log files
+--plugins/           Directory with all external plugins to load
+--repositories/      The root directory for all declared repositories
   +--private/        Default private repository
   +--releases/       Default repository for releases
   +--snapshots/      Default repository for snapshot releases
+--static/            Static website content
+--configuration.cdn  Configuration file
+--latest.log         Log from the latest launch of Reposilite instance
+--reposilite.jar     Application file
+--reposilite.db      Data file containing stats and tokens (only if embedded database enabled)
To separate data files and configuration from application, use .

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